Monday, June 13, 2011

Apple - The Brand?

Ever since the early 2000's, Apple has been a major force in the MP3 and Mobile Phone market. Even Apple's PCs and notebook computers; long relegated to a niche status; are punching above their weight in the PC market. Their unique (some would argue 'magic') business model has made them one of the top companies in every industry they enter.

First and foremost, this company's brand name is very important to the success of Apple. Apple's brand marketing has been one of the key components to its success. A company's brand is the identity it presents to the public. This corporate identity plays an important role in how consumers view a company and its products. Smart companies put a lot of thought into brand management, crafting a brand character that will draw in customers. As such, many companies in the computer industry have looked to Apple as a benchmark for their business practices and policies.

Ongoing research and product development plays a major role in Apple's business strategy, always willing to try something new, seemingly always coming up with tomorrow's items today and often releasing at least one new product per year. It has almost become a yearly routine for them to announce their newest products in a spectacular launch event that attracts die-hard Apple fans, often travelling from all around the globe to witness the event. And always at the forefront is their charismatic leader, Steve Jobs.

They started in computers, but their big break came when they launched their famous MP3 player. Their computers were considered very good, but seemed to be attracting only a niche market, rather than everyday home use. It was not until the 2000's that they gained popularity with the younger generation, and having an Apple computer was considered 'cool'. As they have ventured into multiple markets, they have many different products and add-ons available in their stores and online. Their venture into the mobile phone market has proven to be a renowned success. It is this product variety that has made them very successful, since they now strive to be the best in whatever industry they enter.

And as the release of the iPad 2 so soon after the release of the original iPad shows us, what continues to astound everyone is Apple's ability to forever improve on what many of us already considered perfection. Yet strangely, it is still considered ok, dare I say fashionable, to own an Apple product that is four years old and first generation. Even a four-year old iPod is still arguably the best of its' kind.

But Apple does not hide behind a website only. They now have a very physical presence on the high street. Most major cities boast a technological wonder of a shop with an Apple logo above the door. Sleek in design, wonderfully crafted Apple decor, a trademarked Genius Bar and what can only be described as a plethora of pretty products greet all visitors. A fantastically beautiful location, lots of glass and exposed stone and views of the entire store from one spot seems to be a trademark.

Their customer service is also considered second to none. If something needs repairing, make an appointment at an Apple Store; explain your problem and the issue is almost magically resolved. A 24-hour customer service line for technical issues is also available.

But what has undoubtedly been a worldwide marketing success, not just for Apple, but more importantly for everyday normal folk, is the release of the Apple Software Development Kit (SDK). This has opened development to the iPhone, iPod, iTouch and now the iMac to outside developers. Anyone with an original idea can now create an App and share it with the world (subject to Apple's stringent acceptance criteria of course). It seems the only thing you can't find in the Apple iTunes Store is the kitchen sink (although I'm seriously considering developing this app!). Currently, there are more than 300,000 Apps available to download on the iTunes Store.

Rest assured whatever Apple decides to do next will be a big event and Steve Jobs will be at the forefront.

I'm simply an Apple convert. Not what you would call a fanatic, but very appreciative of the power of the iPhone. App Development is the next step.

Read more here about how iphone app development is available to everyone at

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