Friday, December 30, 2011

Economic justice for 2012

2011 was not only a controversial year. A year best remembered for the in-fighting between the executive and the judiciary that they dilute the far more pressing issues of our time poverty and calamity. What is there to accomplish when we change one person in the Supreme Court? Will the next chief justice, all equipped with his or her judicial prowess, make better the life of a deprived Filipino during his or her tenure in office?

Between changing one “disliked” personality in the Supreme Court and changing the lives of those who have yet to find a secure job and a decent shelter, which of them do you think really matter? Will change in leadership in the Supreme Court heal the wounds of those who suffered the wrath of Sendong?

My wish for the New Year is for this government to focus not on personalities but on people. Lest we forget, our duty is not to only serve political justice but also economic justice -- to ensure that every Filipino family has enough food on their tables, clothes on their backs, a job for the breadwinner, books for their children and a safe home for everyone in the family.

Justice is good. But justice is not always about having to take up the sins of the past but also about having to thresh the evils of the present.

There is nothing bad putting to trial those who had sinned against the Filipinos but it would also be too great an injustice for the Filipinos if that’s the only thing that concerns this government for most of its time. There is so much to be done ahead. We cannot afford to be tethered by personalities more so if they are of the past and have no power to undo the ills of the present. It is incumbent upon the present government to mend the present and lay the future instead of living in the past. There is no life in the past only anger and disdain.
