Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Donita Rose's mom sees bankruptcy in positive light

MANILA, Philippines – Evelyn Cavett, the mother of actress-TV host Donita Rose who is now based in Nevada, has finally moved on three years after filing for bankruptcy and losing the five houses her family has worked so hard to acquire.

“We have always lived in a house. Now we’re living in a rented house. It’s okay, it’s okay. We can make it. It’s just a matter of your attitude. It happened to be that recession hit, it’s global, and so we have to accept it,” Evelyn told The Filipino Channel’s “Balitang America,” with the video clip posted on its official website on March 19.

According to Evelyn, most of the money used to invest for the houses had been from Donita’s showbiz earnings. Donita was not only a popular actress-model in the Philippines, but was also well-known across Asia as one of the video jocks for MTV Asia.

“Large portion of it [investment] was initiated by Donita. She really spared her income, huge, just a lot of money that we put into the down payment. That’s how we started to have all these homes.

“We collected five homes [using] of course my savings, and then my sister worked for the bank, and my hard-earned income being a teacher. We put it together with Donita’s [money],” Evelyn related.

Bankruptcy is usually a cause for humiliation for many, but Evelyn believes otherwise.

“Why the embarrassment? No! You should not be. I’m not. You know, it happened to me and so be it. Make sure that we keep our job… We know how to cook, we know how to budget, shopping-wise, food-wise. We are the survivors,” she said.

Accepting their condition might have been difficult, but Evelyn can now say, “It’s gone! What can you do? You have to move on. There’s nothing that you can do [but] face it.”

Evelyn, now 64, still works as a teacher during weekdays and a tutor for kids during weekends.

source: mb.com.ph