Friday, March 16, 2012

Fight One-Man Rule, Corona Rallie s Women Judges

MANILA, Philippines — Chief Justice Renato C. Corona rallied Thursday the country’s women judges to support him in his fight against “one-man rule.”

“Recent events point out that our nation is now in grave peril of teetering toward a one-man rule where executive action aims to shield, shackle judicial independence, undermine the rule of law, and erode the system of governance, particularly the principle of the mechanism of checks and balances,” Corona, without naming names, told members of the Philippine Women Judges’ Association (PWJA) in his speech at the historic landmark Manila Hotel.

He pointed out that the judicial independence of the courts “is being undermined by transient leaders in government.”

“We are fighting for judicial independence, to shield the judiciary from improper influence and pressure from any grave abuse of discretion committed by any unit or agency of the Philippine government,” he said.

“The judiciary must be insulated from political pressures, popularity surveys, lobbyists, private partisan interests, undue influence or outright coercion from the executive or legislative departments who are advancing their own shared mutual socio-political and economic interests,” he stressed.

He also pointed out that “the Philippine Constitution did not leave to the whimsical discretion of the transitory political power holders the implementation and preservation of judicial independence.”

He paid tribute to members of the PWJA as the new breed of Justice Cecilia Muñoz Palma, the first SC lady justice who opposed martial law during the term of the late former President Ferdinand E. Marcos.

He then reiterated his previous statements that the impeachment complaint filed against him is a direct attack on the rule of law, democracy, and judicial independence.

Corona’s defense lawyers have started presenting their counter-evidence before the Senate, sitting as impeachment court.

He had earlier said that his “solid evidence” would acquit him of the charges.

But he said he would accept whatever decision the impeachment court would hand down on his case.

Among those present during Corona’s speech were Manila Mayor Alfredo S. Lim, PWJA president and SC Justice Teresita Leonardo de Castro, and SC Justice Estela Perlas Bernabe, an appointee of President Benigno S. Aquino III.

In her opening speech, Justice De Castro hailed the presence of Chief Justice Corona as “fortunate.”

“His presence here shows that it is business as usual at the Supreme Court. He has been working in earnest and attending to judicial tasks given to him,” De Castro said.

Referring to members of the PWJA, De Castro said “they care for you and are always praying for you as you lead the judiciary in upholding judicial independence and observance of the Rule of Law.”

At the start of the impeachment trial last January, the PWJA issued a manifesto of support for Chief Justice Corona.

The manifesto stated:

“The Philippine Women Judges Association (PWJA), hereby manifests its all-out support to the quest for Judicial Independence and the respect for the rule of law, and toward this end, we join the Honorable Chief Justice Renato C. Corona in fighting for the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary from whoever would attempt to trample the same and put to naught what has been enshrined in the Constitution of the Philippines.

“Knowingly or unwittingly, the Impeachment Proceedings against the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has besmirched and destroyed the image of the Judiciary as a whole, especially because of the massive use of propaganda and other techniques purposely to gain public sympathy, even when the methods used are not in accordance with the standards of law and ethics. We, the women Judges, do believe that public perception does play an important role in portraying the integrity and independence of the judiciary, and any move to taint its integrity and independence, will erode public trust and confidence, to which we must abhor and put to a stop.”
