Monday, February 18, 2013

7 Lifestyle Habits that can Improve Your Finances

Too often, we separate our lifestyle decisions from our financial decisions. However, what we choose to do in terms of day to day living can impact our finances quite a bit. Before you assume that your lifestyle choices have no impact on your finances, consider the following 7 lifestyle habits that can improve your money situation:

1. Eat Better

One of the best things you can do for your health is to eat better. Healthy meals can not only help you feel better about your body, but they can also help you save money. First of all, creating a list and putting together a healthy meal plan can mean that your shopping experience is more cost efficient. Do yourself a favor, and plan to buy more raw ingredients, and then make your food at home. You will have healthier meals, and you’ll spend less on pre-packaged and pre-prepared foods. Plus, being healthier almost always leads to lower costs in the long run.

 2. Exercise at Home

Staying healthy requires some level of physical activity. However, you don’t need to pay for an expensive gym membership, or even expensive equipment at home. There are plenty of frugal ways to get exercise. Your own body’s resistance can provide strength training, and there are any number of cardio activities that you can do without spending money on expensive memberships and equipment. Exercise more to improve your health, and save money while doing it.

3. Get Adequate Sleep

Sleep is one of those things that we often under-rate. However, sleep can be an essential part of good health – and it can help you save money. Those who get adequate sleep are more likely to practice self-control in all aspects of life. A tired person makes poor decisions, and that includes spending decisions. Get a good night’s sleep, and you will make better financial decisions, and you will have more self-control when confronted impulse purchases. On top of that, feeling well-rested can also provide you with increased productivity, helping you make more money, or work more efficiently.

4. Maintain Your Things

Take care of what you have, and you won’t need to make as many purchases to replace items that wear out. Take care of your clothing, and you won’t need to buy new outfits as often. Regularly maintain your car, and it will run more efficiently, as well as last much longer than a few years. If you take good care of your possessions, you will replace them much less frequently, saving money in the process.

5. Keep Learning

Your knowledge is one of your most powerful resources. If you want better finances, keep learning. This doesn’t mean that you have to go back to school, or get an advanced degree. What it it does mean is that you should keep learning. Develop the skills that others want to pay for, so that you are more likely to find a good job, or get a raise. Learn the basics of running a business and make more money with a side gig. Or, you can just make it a point to learn about good financial practices so that you use your income to best effect.

6. Watch Less TV

One of the biggest time wasters out there is television. TV is expensive, too. When you pay for a TV package, you can spend between $50 and more than $150 a month. Just for TV! While we all need to be entertained sometimes, and it can be nice to unwind at the end of the day with a favorite program, you can actually get more done if you watch less TV. Not only can you save money each money by getting rid of the cable/satellite TV package, but you can replace that time watching TV with something else. Use the time to work on a side business, or learn about investing, or to engage in some other activity that will enhance your life and your finances.

7. Create Connections with Others

You never know when the right connection will help you in your career. Treat others with respect, and create meaningful connections, and you never know what might happen. You could find your new boss, or a new business partner. Your co-worker of today could be that great connection tomorrow. Treat others the way you want to be treated, and make the time to build lasting connections, and you could benefit financially — as well as creating fulfilling relationships.
