Tuesday, June 3, 2014
A quick guide to safe pregnancy
MANILA, Philippines – Pregnancy is one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life. It is a life-changing event that affects not only the physical health of the mother but also the lifestyle of the whole family.
If you are pregnant or are planning to get pregnant, it is important to remember that your body will undergo many changes during pregnancy. Some of the things that you do while pregnant can be harmful to your baby like smoking or drinking alcohol. Here are some tips on how to have safe pregnancy and keep your child healthy while inside your womb:
Check your risk for pregnancy complications. There are several factors that can make your pregnancy more risky than usual such as age, number of pregnancies and history of high blood pressure, diabetes and other chronic diseases.
Teen pregnancies are usually risky because the mother’s body may not be fully-developed to handle a growing fetus. Additionally, having first pregnancy at age 35 or older increases the risk of abnormal development in the baby and may expose the mother to delivery complications including prolonged labor and excessive bleeding during labor. Aside from the mother’s age, having too many pregnancies may also lead to pregnancy difficulties. The lining of the uterus becomes thinner after giving birth so if you’re planning to have several children, allot an interval of at least two to three years to allow your body to recover.
Go for a healthy lifestyle. Leading a healthy lifestyle during pregnancy is vital. Remember to eat balanced, complete and nutritious meals. Eat fiber-rich but low in fat food. Having adequate exercise is also important. Ask your doctor for the best exercise routine for you. As much as possible, get plenty of rest and avoid stress.
Aside from these, remember to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. These can increase your chance of having a miscarriage or giving birth to a baby with physical defects and abnormalities.
Be aware of common and serious pregnancy symptoms. Most women are aware of pregnancy complaints. Common ones include morning sickness, upset stomach and cravings. But there are situations which need immediate medical attention like dizziness, shortness of breath, difficulty in walking, rapid heartbeat, pain in the abdominal area and vaginal bleeding. Be sure to contact your obstetrician if you feel any of these.
Regularly see your doctor or obstetrician (OB). During pregnancy, you and your baby may face various health risks. This is why all pregnancies should be monitored by skilled healthcare providers. Schedule regular visits to your doctor or OB so your health needs can be addressed properly. They can guide you through the stages of pregnancy, recommend vitamins and supplements to take and answer your queries and worries about pregnancy.
Prepare yourself for giving birth. As the awaited day comes closer, you have to make an important decision: choosing the best hospital that can help you deliver your baby safely, provide you with a comfortable healing environment, educate you on neonatal care and attend to all your needs and your baby’s as well.
Healthcare leader Asian Hospital and Medical Center (AHMC) treats childbirth as an important milestone for parents. That is why AHMC offers quarterly free seminars to expectant parents, covering topics like caring for newborn and the expectant mom, obstetric anesthesia, fitness and exercise, tooth care during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and more.
AHMC also breaks the tradition by enabling expectant couples to face the challenges of childbirth and savor the joy of seeing the baby for the first time, together. AHMC’s Genesis Center is designed to ensure the emotional and mental well-being of mothers as well as the physical health of the babies. It is one of the first facilities in the Philippines to offer private birthing suites, allowing soon-to-be mothers to stay and deliver in a private room with the support of her husband.
After giving birth, the baby is roomed-in with the mother to promote breastfeeding and family bonding. AHMC also offers newborn screening and hearing tests, baby care demo to instruct mothers, and follow-up calls for monitoring patients who have already been discharged.
For more information on Asian Hospital and Medical Center’s Genesis Center, call (632) 771-9000 local 5791 or (632) 876-5791. You may also visitwww.asianhospital.com. To get daily updates from AHMC, like their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/AsianHospitalOfficial or follow them on Twitter at @asianhospital.