Saturday, October 4, 2014

$5,730 Grants Help Qualified Students Go Back to School

If you make less than $80,000 a year, college grants and financial aid may be available for up to $5,730 if you qualify.

If you’re like a lot of people you probably didn’t know grants like these were available. If you didn’t know, no worries, here are the three really important things you should consider when deciding which school you want to go to.

1) Grants, Scholarships, and Financial Aid Can Help

The big money part of this is pretty obvious to most students. Grants are an incredible way for qualified students to go back to school. Grants provide students up to $5,730 to help pay for school. The problem is that most students don’t think they’ll qualify. If you make less than $80,000/year you could apply for grants, a shocking number of students qualify every year for grants and it helps them save huge.

Other tips you need to consider are:

Scholarships from Schools: Ask schools you’re interested in if they offer scholarships. Schools have huge amounts of scholarships to help students pay for school. Schools you are interested in should have a massive list of scholarships you may qualify for, you just have to ask, and now you know too.

General Scholarships: There are literally hundreds of scholarships that are available to prospective students. These range from need based scholarships to super obscure scholarships for writing essays. If you’re willing to look, you may be shocked at what’s out there.

Employer Aid: See if you can get aid from your employer. Your employer wants you to increase your skill set. Many employers will not only help pay for you to go back to school but they’ll also give you time off of work to achieve your degree.

2) College Graduates Make More Money

This shouldn’t come as a shock. If you have a college degree it’s expected that you’ll have a higher paying job. What is a shock is how much more money college graduates make. A college graduate will make on average $2.3 million over their working life whereas someone with a high school diploma will only make $1.3 million. That’s a $1 million dollar difference. Think of how crazy that is. By getting your college degree, you will make on average $1 million more.

3) Online Options Are Great

Before higher education was made available on the internet students were stuck having to fit their lives into the schedule of whatever local school they wanted to attend. With great online options now, this is no longer the case. Online classes allow students to fit school into their schedules. For parents, they can take classes after their day’s activities with their kids. For people who are working, they can take classes at lunch or after work. The options are endless because you shape them… not to mention if you get your degree online you get to go to class and never get out of your pajamas.

If you’re interested in going back to school, partners like ClassesUSA may help you find the right school for you. See degrees that are available now.
