Tuesday, October 7, 2014

What do I do when I see a ghost?

In less than a week’s time, I got no less than four e-mails letters from readers concerning the third eye and seeing spirits of the dead. All involved individuals from 3 to 32 years of age.

One came from a worried aunt named Aliw, about her two nieces, ages 9 and 19, who can see and talk to spirits, especially relatives who have died.

She said she is aware of the dangers of these gifts, and would be willing to fly from Mindanao to bring the children to me for consultation and guidance. She said she would be in Manila in November and requested a Saturday meeting because the children are going to school.

The second letter came from a 27-year-old woman named Andrei who could clearly see spirits of the dead but not elementals. Her ninang, whose third eye is also open, has confirmed all her descriptions of the spirits she’s seen.

“Recently,” Andrei said, “I saw a woman in our house. She was not doing anything, actually. She was just sitting on the sofa. My ninang confirmed my sighting and explained she could be from the past, even before the previous owner’s time. We bought this house from distant relatives. I read an article of yours where you said ghosts may not be from the house but from the ground where the house was built.

“My other friend confirmed to me that there was a woman she saw in our house when she visited me during my birthday. The woman even called her name through the mirror in our dining room. My friend’s description, however, differed from that of my ninang. My friend said she might be a fairy, since was glowing, and my friend did not feel any fear of her. A protector, perhaps?”

Andrei mentioned other encounters she had with the unseen world. Her questions:

    * How would you know that you are ready for this kind of power?

    * I am afraid of ghosts, or any paranormal activity. But at the back of my head, I want to explore this so    I will know how to respond to it.

    * What will I do if I see a ghost?

No school 

No one is ever ready for these powers. There is no school that teaches how to recognize and prepare for them, except perhaps my seminars, public lectures and articles I write.

There are other groups offering these subjects, too, but I don’t how know their methods or philosophy. You may want to explore those, too.

It is quite natural to be curious about these things. Given proper guidance, there’s nothing wrong with pursuing this study. Just be sure you are guided by somebody really competent, ethical and trained for it.

What should you do when you see a ghost? If it is nonthreatening and looks harmless, just talk to it and find out what it wants from you. The worst thing you can do is to be afraid of it because if you do, you are giving it power over you.

The third letter came from 32-year-old Chi, who confesses to being a big fan of this column. Chi says that when she was in college, she saw spirits everywhere and got used to it. Some came in dreams and gave messages, or asked for prayers. She could also tell what would happen and prevent some of them.

“Now that I am 32, I don’t often see ghosts anymore, especially when under stress. My question is, how can I reopen my third eye? ”

My dear Chi, actually the so-called third eye cannot be closed. You still have it because it is part of your personality. The third eye is nothing more than clairvoyance, and everybody is clairvoyant to a greater or lesser degree.

The thing that happened to you is that, as you grew older, you shifted your attention to more mundane and material things, which is quite natural.

You have to be concerned more with survival than with seeing ghosts. You shifted from the predominantly intuitive right brain thinking when you were young to the more rational and critical left brain thinking when you grew older.

You can regain your spiritual sight through regular meditation and becoming sensitive again to what’s inside you.

The fourth letter came from 25-year-old Karen, who said she has read all the books I have written. A psychology graduate, Karen is wondering why she can see and talk to spirits of the dead only in dreams, but not when awake.


When her father died after a heart attack, she saw him in her dreams, and he gave her specific instructions to carry a heavy bag to the top of something. “He said I had to carry it because it was my bag. The setting was like Grand Central Station in New York. I couldn’t understand what that dream meant.”

Karen, psychic powers manifest in various ways, some in one’s waking state, others through dreams. Some spirits, specially those of relatives, usually manifest only in dreams so as not to scare the person.

I suggest you keep a dream journal so you don’t forget your dreams, especially those with specific messages or instructions. The meaning of the dream you related above will become clear to you in due time.


Attend the next Inner Mind Development Seminar on Oct. 11-12, 2014 at Rm.308 Prince Plaza I, Legaspi St. Legaspi Village Greenbelt Makati. Call 8107245 or 0908-3537885.

source: lifestyle.inquirer.net