Friday, April 29, 2016

Prince diagnosed with AIDS before sudden death—reports

Medical examiners have yet to determine the actual cause of Prince’s untimely death last week, but multiple reports have surfaced that the ‘Purple Rain’ singer was already suffering from AIDS, six months prior to his passing.

The 57-year-old’s weight plummeted to just 80 lbs by the time of his death and “had been preparing to die for a while,”  according to an article from National Enquirer on Thursday.

The report said doctors had reportedly warned Prince that his blood count was unusually low in recent days, and his body temperature had dropped dangerously below the normal 98.6 degrees to 94 degrees—which were early signs of the disease.

“He was totally iron-deficient, very weak and often disoriented. He rarely ate and when he did, it all came right back up,” the report quoted an unnamed source as saying. “His face was yellowish, the skin on his neck was hanging off and the tips of fingers were a brownish-yellow”.

Earlier reports stated  his heart stopped while experiencing influenza—an illness which could prove fatal to an AIDS sufferer due to their weakened immune defenses.

However, the iconic artist reportedly refused treatment for his crippling condition and believed that God will cure him instead, the reports said.

Anonymous police reports also revealed that they found prescription painkillers on him and inside his Minnesota home.

Meanwhile, the music legend was publicly diagnosed with HIV in the mid-90’s, which reports say developed into AIDS at the tail-end of last year.

His wild sexual foray during the height of his career was no secret to the public, but his family said that he changed his ways as he grew older.

The dreaded disease is most commonly caught through unprotected sex, but can also be transmitted by sharing needles.

In the meantime, representatives for Prince have yet to respond to the bold allegations, as of this story’s writing. Khristian Ibarrola,
