Monday, November 6, 2017

Twitter blocks ‘bisexual’ search results, draws flak from netizens

Social media site Twitter faced a blunder as it accidentally blocked the word “bisexual,” irking LGBT activists for the mishap.

Netizens first noticed that no search results yielded upon typing the word, unlike “gay” and “lesbian.”

This led to the social media site to tweet saying it was working to fix the problem.

The move caused a backlash from netizens, with one UK-based BiPride saying it was a “bi-erasure” to filter-block results relating to the word “bisexual.”

The Bisexual Index campaign manager, Kate Harrad, told BBC Newsbeat that Twitter should be careful in filtering bisexual content.

“Every bi-activist knows the problems of trying to search for bi-content on the web and some public wifi systems block it altogether, even when it’s nothing to do with sex, because bisexual is seen as a dodgy word in itself,” Harred said in the report.

It is unclear if this is in line with updating Twitter’s Terms and Services, which enforces stricter protocol against content showing self-harm, violence, abusive behavior and the like.  Katrina Hallare /ra
