Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Apple Event Live: Tim Cook takes stage, cuts Apple TV price

SAN FRANCISCO—CEO Tim Cook has taken the stage at Apple’s event Monday morning in San Francisco.

Cook is expected to unveil the company’s newest device, the smartwatch, and make the case for why it’s a must-have gadget. Apple teased the smartwatch in September but has given few details. Scheduled to hit the market in April, industry watchers are eager to see if Apple’s version will be the tipping point for the sluggish smartwatch market. There was similar skepticism when Apple released the iPad in 2010, yet the company has successfully sold millions and its popularity has shaken up the PC market.

The stakes are high for a company that just dislodged AT&T as one of the 30 stocks comprising the venerable Dow Jones industrial average. The watch is the first brand-new device Apple has launched without Steve Jobs.

Below is a live blog of the event. All times PDT.

10:12 a.m.

Cook announces a price cut for Apple TV to $69, from $99. He says 25 million units have been sold so far.

The availability of HBO as a stand-alone service comes as more people turn to the Internet to watch television. HBO previously was available on Apple devices, but only with a cable or satellite subscription.

10:10 a.m.

Cook shows a trailer from the upcoming season of “Game of Thrones.”

10:05 a.m.

Cook walks on stage to talk about Apple’s retail stores and offer an update on Apple TV. He’s joined by HBO CEO Richard Plepler to announce that Apple will be the exclusive partner of HBO’s upcoming stand-alone subscription service, HBO Now.

There will be a new HBO Now channel on Apple TV. It will be possible to get it on iPhones and iPads, too. The service will cost $14.99 and will be available in early April — in time for the season premiere of “Game of Thrones.”

10 a.m.

The event begins with a video of an Apple store in West Lake, China. Customers holding Apple products cheer as employees count down to the opening of the store in January.

9:55 a.m.

Journalists, industry analysts and Apple guests fill the auditorium of the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco for the start of the event.–Anick Jesdanun

source: technology.inquirer.net