Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Xiaomi hard at work creating own bendable smartphone

It’s been out for a while that phone manufacturers Lenovo, LG and Samsung are working on creating bendable mobile phones. It seems that Xiaomi is not one to be left behind as reports emerge that the company is hard at work on its own version of a bendable smartphone.

A few prototypes from the other manufacturers have already made their rounds at floor shows. Xiaomi’s device made its public debut over the internet through a 30-second video posted last week, reports The Verge.

The video, courtesy of Gizmodo China, did not show the phone being bent but rather a bent screen that’s very responsive to touch. The person doing the brief presentation navigated what appears to be an Android interface, showing that a bendable phone would not feel any different from a standard smartphone with a solid touchscreen.

No word has been released yet with regards to the phone’s specifications or release date, but it would seem that the next battlefield for smartphones has been decided.  Alfred Bayle

source: technology.inquirer.net