Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Jedi Training Remote Alarm Clock Is Made To Be Force Thrown

Sure, you can have dreams about being a Jedi, but they’ll be gone as soon as you wake up. If you have the Jedi Training Remote alarm clock, however, you can extend the fantasy for those 2 or 3 seconds that you’re flailing around, trying to stop that ringing noise. No, the Jedi Training Remote alarm won’t shock you, but it does have another interesting feature; you turn it off by flinging it at a wall. It’s made from foam rubber so it can withstand the impact and it lets you get out a little bit of that “It’s morning and I’m waking up and that’s terrible” aggression.

Neat as all that is, the real question is why are you throwing it? To turn off the alarm, of course, but it’s not like throwing the Jedi Training Remote was a big part of the movies. The fact that the remote could fly was important to that one scene, but what does throwing it have to do with anything? If i remember correctly (which I may not), it just floated out of Obi-Wan’s hand anyways. I don’t think it was ever thrown. Normally I wouldn’t let ths bother me, but the issue is that there’s a perfect solution to the problem. Clearly this should be a thermal detonator alarm clock. Whatever.

If you aren’t bothered by that geeky little detail, you can pre-order one at Forbidden Planet International. They’re expected to go on sale in May, and will cost you about $30 (£19.99). If that proves to be a little steep for you, I recommend force throwing your regular alarm clock. It’s the kind of thing you can only get away with once, but boy is it ever worth it.
